Gizeh Ceremonial 2017
Schedule of Events
Get ready for some great Yukon hospitality. Check out our list of events below…
Thursday, May 25th
Noon - 5 PM Registration*
6 - 9 PM: Meet & Greet
- Yukon Transportation Museum
- Food provided
- No Host bar
- Transportation to and from available
6 - 9 PM: Meet & Greet
- Yukon Transportation Museum
- Food provided
- No Host bar
- Transportation to and from available
Friday, May 26th
8 AM - Registration**
8:45: Official Opening**
9:00 AM: Black Camel**
9:30 AM: First Section**
10:45 AM: Second Section** (Men Only)
12:00 PM: Ladies Luncheon***
12:00 PM: Men’s Lunch - Elks Lodge
1:00 PM: Free time - Explore Whitehorse
5:00 PM: Zem Zems**
6:00 PM: Yukon Fun Night** - Yukon Entertainment
10:30 PM: Fun Degree** (Men Only)
8:45: Official Opening**
9:00 AM: Black Camel**
9:30 AM: First Section**
10:45 AM: Second Section** (Men Only)
12:00 PM: Ladies Luncheon***
12:00 PM: Men’s Lunch - Elks Lodge
1:00 PM: Free time - Explore Whitehorse
5:00 PM: Zem Zems**
6:00 PM: Yukon Fun Night** - Yukon Entertainment
10:30 PM: Fun Degree** (Men Only)
Saturday, May 27th
10 AM: Gather @ Rotary Park - ‘Walk For Love”
10:30 AM: “Walk For Love” on Millennium Trail
- Shrine Awareness/Community Participation
- Shrine Clowns - Hot Dogs and drink for participants.
1:00 PM: Free Time - explore Whitehorse
5:00 PM: Zem Zems**
6:00 PM: Formal Banquet**
10:30 AM: “Walk For Love” on Millennium Trail
- Shrine Awareness/Community Participation
- Shrine Clowns - Hot Dogs and drink for participants.
1:00 PM: Free Time - explore Whitehorse
5:00 PM: Zem Zems**
6:00 PM: Formal Banquet**
Dress code
Meet & Greet: Casual
First Section: Dressy Casual
Ladies Luncheon: Dressy Casual (ladies only event)
Second Section: Dressy Casual (men only event)
Yukon Fun Night: Casual
Formal Banquet: Formal
First Section: Dressy Casual
Ladies Luncheon: Dressy Casual (ladies only event)
Second Section: Dressy Casual (men only event)
Yukon Fun Night: Casual
Formal Banquet: Formal
Dress definitions
Casual: Slacks, Jeans, Polo Shirt, Sweater
Dressy Casual: Skirt & Blouse, Dress, Dress Pants, Dress shirt, Sport Coat, Pant suit
Formal: Long dress, Tux or Dark Suit, Tie
Dressy Casual: Skirt & Blouse, Dress, Dress Pants, Dress shirt, Sport Coat, Pant suit
Formal: Long dress, Tux or Dark Suit, Tie
Yukon Fun Night
1898 period costumes are encouraged for Yukon Fun Night (6 PM at HCI Convention Centre)
* Westmark Hotel
** HCI Convention Centre
*** Gold Rush Inn - Town Hall Boardroom
** HCI Convention Centre
*** Gold Rush Inn - Town Hall Boardroom